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ABSTRACT: The current research studies various aspects of attitude towards equality for women among undergraduate students and its relationship with their perception about dowry taking. A random sample of 240 (120 Males and 120 Females) is chosen for this study from Kolhapur district (Maharashtra, India). Two standardized tests - Rama Tiwari?s ?Equality of Women Attitude Scale? and R. Sharma?s ?Dowry Attitude Scale?- are used. In case of Dowry Taking, both Males and Females have shown negative attitude. The mean and standard deviation score for Males (N = 120) is M = 195.88 and SD = 29.54 while for Females (N = 120), it is M = 202.81 and SD = 26.23. The t-value t (238) = 1.92, p = .06 has shown that there does not exist any statistically significant difference between them. In case of Equality of Women Attitude (EOWA), the mean and standard deviation score for Males (N = 120) is M = 71.19 and SD = 5.82 and the mean and standard deviation score for Females (N = 120) is M = 73.65 and SD = 4.23. The value for independent samples-t is t (217.27) = 3.74, p = .001. It has shown statistically significant difference between Males and Females and the mean score for Females is significantly higher than Males. The researchers have also calculated the correlation coefficient between Dowry Taking Attitude (DA) and Equality of Women Attitude (EOWA) for both, Males and Females. The significant and positive correlation between Attitude against Dowry and Equality of Women is observed in both groups. The rvalue for Females is r = .38 (p = .01) and is comparatively higher than the r-value for Males, r = .26 (p = .01). The qualitative data is also collected through semi-structured interviews of 24 participants (12 Males and 12 Females), which constitutes 10 percent of the total sample. The themes focused in interviews are factors responsible for change in perception about dowry system, various new forms of exchanges during marriage, awareness of legal safeguards against dowry related crimes, measures to be taken especially at college level to enhance gender equality and anti-dowry outlook etc. Finally, researchers have suggested thrust areas for sensitizing undergraduate students regarding ill effects of Dowry Taking and fostering gender equality for better society. Keywords: Dowry Taking, Equality of Women, Sensitization programs for gender equality
ABSTRACT Family climate has deeply influenced the adolescents? feeling of socially advantaged or disadvantaged. The religious customs and traditions have also played an important role, particularly during the period of adolescence. The researchers are interested in studying whether there exist significant differences among male and female adolescents of different religions regarding these factors. They are also interested in finding out the correlation between family climate and feeling of socially disadvantaged. The researchers have utilized a Scale for Assessing Social Disadvantage (SSD) by Dr. Manju Kumari Sinha and Dr. Arun Kumar Singh (1989) and Family Climate Scale (FCS) by Dr Bina Shah to assess the differences between the perceptions of family climate and social disadvantage among Hindu and Muslim adolescents. The total sample is of 190 adolescents in Maharashtra (44 Hindu Male Adolescents, 47 Hindu Female Adolescents, 46 Muslim Male Adolescent and 53 Muslim Female Adolescents). It is taken from Kolhapur City, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. Regarding the Social Disadvantage, present research found significant difference between Hindu and Muslim adolescents (z = -1.68, p <.05) and between male and female adolescents (z = - 2.66, p <.01). In case of the perception of Family Climate, the researchers have found significant difference between Hindu and Muslim adolescents (z = -3.1, p < .01) and between male and female adolescents (z = -2.02, p < .05). The Pearson correlation between Social Disadvantage and Family Climate for Hindu adolescents (both males and females) is significant at .01 level and the magnitude was -.47. For Muslim Adolescents (both males and females), it is -.25 and is found significant at .05 level. There found a significant negative correlation between family climate and social disadvantage among male adolescents (r = -.25, p <.05) and among female adolescent the value of r is -.55 and is significant at .01 level KEYWORDS: Social disadvantage, Family climate & Adolescence
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